The Metaphysical Properties of Yellow Diamond: One of the True Birthstones for Virgo- the Servant (August 23- September 22)
Let’s say you were born under the sign of Virgo, the Servant or crafts person both wanting you to develop a certain skill set to be useful for others. Virgo is a feminine earth sign, ruled by Mercury. Virgo rules the 6th house, the area of work and health. The main keyword for Virgos is order!
The Orderly Virgo World: The Analyzer and Organizer
Virgos like to have order and cleanliness in everything they do, in their environment, in their personal hygiene, and even in the way they use their mind. They have very orderly, analytical, logical minds capable of handling very complex and detailed projects and solving difficult problems. The shadow of Virgo can create a tendency to be very self-critical and tends to be full of self-doubt and angst.
On the high end you are interested in all matters of healing and coaching as a way to be useful and contributing to a better world… You are learning about self-care and truly getting grounded in the three dimensional world …
A True Ally for Virgo is the Yellow Diamond
The Yellow Diamond represents the sun and pure life energy and joy, meaning also love. Its golden light radiates into our body and soul, reminding us of the truth of who we are: eternal beings of light and spirit.
The Yellow Diamond stimulates and enhances our creativity and self-expression. It represents an artist of life who is able to celebrate and respond to life and its challenges. The wearer of the Yellow Diamond can stay very focused, determined, and patient as projects unfold.
Given all of these of these superb qualities, we can all benefit from wearing a Yellow Diamond, wherever we are on our path. Its strength is enhanced when he is worn with the right awareness, helping us, through our human consciousness, to discover that we are part of the divine consciousness.
I hope you enjoyed a little gemstone lore. And you can always find out about your own truly personal gemstone report for all of your planets as well as for your sun position in your chart ($19.99) going to my website
All the best, enjoy your summer, Shakti.