Fortunetelling or Evolutionary Weather Forecast? What Would You Prefer?
Fortunetelling or Evolutionary Weather Forecast? What Would You Prefer?
Some people believe that the future is set in stone. This is so far away from my experience with over 40 years of giving astrology forecast readings to my clients I don’t even know where to start. First of all how sad would it be to have no free will creating your future from the present moment?
In Evolutionary Astrology we believe in your freedom of choice based on your awareness and consciousness. There are certain actualization we call transits, progressions and solar arcs which are tools to determine the energies and themes actualized for you at any given time. I usually look a year ahead to determine the high end opportunities available to you.
I often compare your planetary transits activating your birth chart and therefore areas in your life, with the metaphor of Gods and Goddesses coming knocking at your door. You are then invited to start a conversation and interaction with the energetic forces coming into your life.
Lately I have been talking a lot about Jupiter in connection with the upcoming conjunctions with Pluto and Saturn and what that in general means for each of us. Those upcoming conjunctions are very profound opportunities to pay attention to in order to have the cosmic winds at your back. Knowing where and when your vision will be supported and that “pot of gold” will be found, goes a long way towards empowering your Jupiter as the bringer of good luck and opportunities.
Shakti Carola Navran is an evolutionary astrologer, video blogger, and published author. She is a professional who reads the psycho-dynamic information of your chart in the bigger perspective of the evolution of your SOUL – your KARMA. She has published articles with the Maui Mama Magazine, Maui News and Maui Vision and has been one of the presenters of Astro Hub. She also is the founder of Master Astrology Academy, an introduction and teaching how to read your birth chart.
Shakti does individual birth chart counseling online: forecasts, relationship readings, parenting astrology, vocational astrology counseling and astro cartography. On her website,, sign up for your free newsletter to get your free chart and Love Stone Report.
Shakti has provided astrological readings for over 40 years and is available for individual consultations on Skype. Call 808 878–8182.