Soul Healing Through Evolutionary Astrology
Soul Healing Through Evolutionary Astrology
If you are into astrology you are somebody who asks the deeper life questions and where you are in that bigger picture. You are probably always interested in learning about yourself, practicing self- reflection and contemplation is second nature to you. A self- examined life tends to be a more fully lived life, tapping into your deepest resources. When people are interested in psychology, dreams, archetypes, shadow work and that is when they might stumble onto astrology.
In Evolutionary Astrology our presupposition is that you are an eternal soul on a never ending journey, housing in many bodies, in many life times in order to expand your consciousness into what we call awakening or enlightenment. This process is inclusive instead of exclusive and so farther we are on that journey we are deepening our ability to embrace and love people and navigate difficult life situations.
In this kind of karmic, soul astrology we look not only at the psycho-dynamic dimension of your chart but we look at everything being there for a reason, more specifically for a karmic reason.
Therefore we can look and read your chart as your blueprint and lesson plan for this life time telling us your highest choices available to you, where you need to do some healing work, pay attention to, and really how you can live a purposeful and meaningful life. This kind of astrology teaches you how to thrive by bringing forth your highest choices available to you reflected through your own inner resonance and wisdom.
Shakti Carola Navran is an evolutionary astrologer, video blogger, and published author. She is a professional who reads the psycho-dynamic information of your chart in the bigger perspective of the evolution of your SOUL – your KARMA. She has published articles with the Maui Mama Magazine, Maui News and Maui Vision and has been one of the presenters of Astro Hub. She also is the founder of Master Astrology Academy, an introduction and teaching how to read your birth chart.
Shakti does individual birth chart counseling online: forecasts, relationship readings, parenting astrology, vocational astrology counseling and astro cartography. On her website,, sign up for your free newsletter to get your free chart and Love Stone Report.
Shakti has provided astrological readings for over 40 years and is available for individual consultations on Skype. Call 808 878–8182.