The Metaphysical Properties of Diamond: One of the True Birthstones for Leo – the Lion King (July 23 – August 22)
Last blog we discussed the general ideas around why gemstones can be so powerful in your healing journey. Today I want to discuss a specific birthstone for the month of Leo.
The Diamond represents the life force energy of the sun, the highest expression of light and consciousness in our solar system and therefore serving as the gateway to higher perceptions of reality, other realms and dimensions.
Many of our myths and stories show the individual hero struggling against some challenge; conquering that challenge requires growth and evolution to a higher state of understanding and consciousness. This is the quest that we all pursue. The Diamond is a metaphor for this process: it is mined, cut, and polished, evolving toward a state of ever more refined perfection until it becomes a perfect manifestation of light and wisdom. Does this not mirror our own path toward a greater state of enlightened perfection?
Although there are many other stones that are beautiful and precious in their natural state, it is Diamond that is accorded the place of honor as the most special and precious gemstone. We appreciate intuitively the qualities of the Diamond and elevate it to this status. In the Ayurvedic and East Indian religious traditions women are discouraged from wearing Diamonds because they are considered too powerful; but I encourage all women to take part in the empowering and consciousness-enhancing qualities of the Diamond!
The Diamond helps us to connect with our creativity and the power radiating out from the center of our being. We mistakenly attribute too much importance to our manifested personality. We must uncover our underlying universal personal power, wisdom, and radiance, as manifested in our dreams and creativity. Supported by the Diamond, we delve below our outward personality and discover our true selves.
As Diamond is the hardest stone, it supports us by helping us to achieve structure, self-discipline, and endurance in our lives so that we may extend the boundaries of our capacities.
Given all of these of these superb qualities, we can all benefit from wearing a Diamond, wherever we are on our path. Its strength is enhanced when he is worn with the right awareness, helping us, through our human consciousness, to discover that we are part of the divine consciousness. If you cannot afford a Diamond you could get started with a Herkimer Diamond which carries many similar qualities and is a star in its own rights…
I hope you enjoyed a little gemstone lore. And you can always find out about your own truly personal gemstone report for all of your planets as well as for your sun position in your chart ($19.99) going to my website
All the best, enjoy your summer, Shakti.