Lunar Astrology: Moon Reflections & More for January 2015
A new year is arising! This is usually the time for all of us to do some kind of life review, contemplating where we are in life in relation to our dreams and goals. New Year’s Eve, the beginning of this New Year 2015 is the starting point of how you are using your personal conscious power to create a new year to your liking.
All this happening with a Sun Pluto conjunction and the first Full Moon of the year squaring Uranus, this means the New Year will hold more surprises and challenges presented by the God of Lightning, revolution and sudden changes (Uranus) and the God of Death (Pluto).
With the Sun in Capricorn opposed by the Full Moon in Cancer, it is about making plans and taking action from a mature perspective, inspired by our own inner needs for close connections and security as well as the ability to nurture and take care for our own family, friends and community.
We will begin this year with some strong energies pushing us into real changes and letting go of old structures. And this is not only an individual requirement but also a global challenge for all of us.
Full Moon in Cancer Jan 4-5
A Full Moon always brings light and awareness into the specifics of its sign. For a brief period of time we feel our inner world of emotions more directly and intensely than usual. Cancer is ruled by the Moon; and this Full Moon is in its own sign and therefore at its strongest. You might experience volatile emotions overcoming sound reasoning. Issues around your family, your clan of close friends and your beloved pets will be felt strongly and highlighted in your awareness. Wherever that Full Moon is located in your chart you might feel more emotional in your responses than usual.
My suggestion is to give conscious space for the nourishing intentions of the Cancer Moon. Is there somebody to whom you can give a helping hand in your church, your neighborhood, your community? The needs of the many homeless and poor families in our community are rising and as individuals we can make a true difference.
New Moon in Aquarius Jan 20
This month it is all about taking inventory of who you are and who you want to be!
Do you feel like an outsider? Do you feel like you do not quite belong to the mainstream around you? Welcome to Maui! Many people here make up a very colorful mix of individuals, representing many different nationalities and culturally diverse groups. I love this about Maui!
It seems like here on Maui there is an open minded spirit of Aloha which embraces many of our differences and focuses on the higher truth of our oneness.
Find Your Higher Vision with the New Moon in Aquarius
This New Moon fits so well into the first month of the year, where everybody is invited to revisit and re-evaluate their personal visions and long term plans. Aquarius is not only interested in revolutionary change and visions, he is the one who points you in the direction of individuation from the inside out, learning to trust that inner voice of your soul, instead of complying with “how it always has been done”. With the New Moon in Aquarius, the need for individuation is the key to your happiness and joy. Trusting those inner dimensions to accurately guide you will enhance your sense of well-being and harmony.
I would like to invite you to sit down with a cup of tea and a journal to brainstorm about your coming year! When you have your clear intentions take a first action step towards your new self. Happy New Year to you with much Aloha!
Shakti Carola Navran evolutionary astrologer, teacher and published author: “I have been giving astrological readings professionally for 36 years now. I love to do this work! Looking at a chart through the evolutionary perspective of the soul adds a deeply meaningful and significant perception of yourself in your life, giving you better choices to align yourself with the current cosmic flow.”
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