All humans share the same basic psychological needs. The first ones that come to mind are safety, love, making a contribution, and last but not least, HOPE. This is a plant we need to protect and nurture.
Astrology and Hope
Astrology can be one of your most powerful tools for holding onto hope. In times of despair and confusion, when you cannot see any possible way forward, astrology can provide you with the insights you need to understand your situation and make effective choices to move forward. When you are aware of the forces, both internal and external, that are impacting your life, you are empowered to make the right action choices.
Hope plus awareness and conscious choice is a powerful equation for solving problems!
The Astrological Angle
In our dark Nights of the Soul we lose our usual anchors and feel lost. Often clients ask me for an astrological reading when they are in a hard planetary transit. Transits are powerful activations of areas of our birth chart. They represent a certain energy which needs to become integrated right now. Invariably, when they get a deeper understanding of the meaning of the transit, they are relieved. Once they understand the astrological meaning of their situation, they are able to look at it in a new way. So you see, the first step may be to look at your situation from a new angle, and then new solutions will become apparent.
Loving What Is
Fantasy and wishful thinking will get you nowhere when things aren’t going your way. An acceptance of your starting point is necessary. You acknowledge where you are and then plan where you want to go… and put your full attention and focus on where you want to go. The best way to do that is by applying the Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction
This spiritual law is so powerful that it can completely change your life, no matter how dark you think your current transit is. Nowhere is it written that you cannot change the course of your life. You can—with the right tools. The Law of Attraction contains all of the hope you will ever need.
Every outcome in your life originates in your mind. Your current job success, your finances, the state of your marriage, your health—whatever level of success and happiness you are currently experiencing in each area of your life began with your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes. Those were turned into a set of expectations and intentions. Then came your choices and actions, and those brought you to where you are today. If you don’t like where you’ve ended up, you need to trace your path back to your thoughts, because that’s where it all started.
Here is a simple principle of the Law of Attraction: Whatever you focus on the most becomes the reality of your life. If you spend 10% of your time thinking about fruits and vegetables and 90% of your time thinking about hamburgers and French fries, I think you can predict where your waistline is going to end up. “Where you end up” is referred to as manifestation: you manifest in your life whatever you think about most intently.
Another important principle of the Law of Attraction is that everything you need is somewhere out in the universe; it’s only a question of connecting with it. You connect with what you need through a process of intently focusing on it and imagining receiving it, as if it were already yours. In this way you align with the higher frequencies of the things you desire.
When you do that intently, in a meditative state, you will naturally be pushed to take the actions necessary to achieve your goals. It’s not that the universe blindly responds to your every wish—it’s that the universe hears your heartfelt call and recognizes your persistent efforts to achieve your goals. This is not as mysterious as it sounds—persistent effort always pays off. “Persistent effort” means actions, and actions begin in the mind.
Those determined efforts set in motion a flow of energy, excitement, and passion that will carry you like a river toward your goals, if you continually keep your thoughts and actions aligned with your vision.
I have shared with you two ways of keeping hope alive: using the insights and Meta perspective of astrology, and applying the undeniable power of the Law of Attraction. Both of those tools are easily within your grasp. I hope you will give them a chance to show you the way out of whatever may be blocking your life, toward manifestation of your dreams. Keep hope alive and dare to dream big dreams!
Aloha and many blessings, Shakti.
Shakti Carola Navran is an evolutionary astrologer, video blogger, and published author. She is a professional who reads the psycho-dynamic information of your chart in the bigger perspective of the evolution of your soul – your karma. On her website,, sign up for your free newsletter to get your free chart and Love Stone Report. Shakti has provided astrological readings for 40 years and is available for individual consultations. Call 808 878–8182.