How to Prepare for a Mercury Retrograde in Pisces: An Astrological Video Forecast
How to Prepare for a Mercury Retrograde in Pisces: An Astrological Video Forecast about being attuned to these celestial energies.
Learning Astrology with Shakti Carola Navran
• THE EARLY OPT-IN SIGN-UP IS $175 (LATER $ 195) for 5 consecutive Saturday online classes via webinars starting April 12 at 5:30 pm PST (the following segments at the same time, last Saturday May 10)
Astrology can be a spiritual journey and a wisdom path. Learning astrology to get to know yourself more deeply or to embark on a new career can both be very valuable for your own inner spiritual growth and maybe help you to be a stronger force for good in the world.
Mercury is turning retrograde February 6 till 28, 2014, this astrological Forecast will give you practical suggestions how to adjust with retrograde planets and especially this Mercury retrograde in Pisces. It will retrograde all the way back to 18 degrees Aquarius before it turns direct.
I will give very practical suggestions about how to be with the universal energies in the best, most successful way. It is all about how to ride the cosmic wave… how to set your intentions for more fun & joy…
Head over to my website
for personal readings of your birth chart, relationship readings, parenting support & forecast readings…& get prepared optimally… As you know a 100 % preparation goes a long way to achieve a 100 % success in life!
“When you are in alignment with your soul you are thriving in your life! I have been reading astrological horoscopes professionally for 35 years & I love to do this work. To look at your astrological signs & your zodiac horoscope through the evolutionary perspective of the soul adds a deeply meaningful perception to your life. Astrology will give you solutions & better choices to align yourself for success and spiritual growth.
You can book online astrology readings with professional astrologer & published author Shakti Carola Navran. One hour segments for $ 99 or two hours for $ 175. Call me at 808 878–8182 Hawaiian Time or visit
Music contribution by Karunesh
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Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at
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