Full Moon in Aquarius: An Astrological Forecast for August 20 — 21, 2013
The Full Moon in Aquarius, the astrological Forecast for August 2013 will give you practical suggestions how to adjust with the energy of the stars. You can check https://mauiastrologyreading.com
for individualized readings & counseling.
We will look at the second Full Moon in a row in Aquarius and how to align your inner emotions with the lunar cycle of the month. I will give very practical suggestions about how to be with the universal energies in the best, most successful way. It is all about how to ride the cosmic wave… how to set your intentions for more fun & joy…
Find out how can you ride the cosmic wave and become more balanced emotionally and successful with those energies… Make sure you sign you up for subscriptions for regular astrological updates and forecasts & you can check out the overview forecast video for the month http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fd06I-lgqaU
Or head over to my website https://mauiastrologyreading.com
for personal readings of your birth chart, relationship readings, parenting support & forecast readings…& get prepared optimally… As you know a 100 % preparation goes a long way to achieve a 100 % success in life!